Day 20 - Jesus our neighbour
While many celebrate Christmastime with festive joy, for those who are homeless or lonely can be the toughest time of the year. They are not experiencing any love or warmth and have very little to be thankful for or to celebrate. Let’s keep in mind that Jesus was born to become our brother and neighbour. More than that he “came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him” (John 1:11). What could God calling me to do this Christmas in helping someone feel valued? How could it effect their faith and mine?
Share your food with the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. (Isaiah 58:7)
To help you identify with the people you’d like to help, get a large cardboard box and crawl inside it. Think about boys and girls of your age. Think about how it would feel to not have either a physical or a spiritual home (or both), rather just a cardboard box to live in (that signifies also lack of friends/sense of belonging). What would you do to help those who may be homeless or struggling with loneliness? Write/draw your prayers and resolutions on the cardboard box.
Dear God, every Christmas we celebrate the fact that you became poor to enrich us with the Spirit of faith, hope, and charity. Help me to repent from lack of sensitivity to your presence in our struggling brothers and sisters. Help me to hear the cry of people experiencing homelessness or loneliness and to act towards them with love.