Day 25

Bible verse

The angel said, ‘Do not be afraid. Look, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people (Luke 2:10)


REFLECTION- A Christmas Meditation

Write down some verses which strike you from this meditation.

This activity can be part of your quiet time but you can also encourage your family and friends to join you.

Sit near a crib or near a statue of Baby Jesus. Sing some Christmas carols and light the candles of the Advent Wreath. God’s gift for me on Christmas Day is that He became human like me so that He can be close to me in every situation in my life. Make a list of all the blessings and good things God has given you in your life. Think about how you can love God in return.

Dear Jesus, help me to understand how much you love me so that I will follow you always and give you the utmost priority in my life. Amen.
