

The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


This week we are going to celebrate the fact that we are all different. Since nobody is the same as anyone else, we must also treat each other as brothers and sisters without focusing on what makes us different and could divide us. Let’s sing this song together:


Reflective Thought

Although we are all human beings, there are many things that make us similar as well as different from each other. We all need to eat yet we all like different food. We all have different abilities but we can all behave like superheroes. So let us unite in all our differences to create a beautiful world.


Loving God, help us to enjoy our differences and to always remember that we are all humans. Amen


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Think of your friends and your classmates – we are the same in many ways but we are also different from each other. This is the experience of Cole and his much older friend Steve. Steve has autism but he is also the happiest man Cole has ever met. Cole does not look at the differences between him and Steve but observes what they have in common and this makes them friends. Let us start off by watching this clip:


Reflective Thought

Steve and Cole are great examples of friendship. They overlook their differences and enjoy their time together. We are all a little different from each other and that is awesome – that is what creates the great experiences we have in our classrooms, streets and communities. Although we have many differences, we also have so many similarities which can unite us.


Dear God, thank you for creating us all different. Help us to use these differences to unite us and not divide us. Amen


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence. 


Think of your friends and your classmates – we are the same in many ways but we are also different from each other. This video is about the experience of Cole and his much older friend Steve. Steve has autistism but he is also the happiest man Cole has ever met. Cole does not look at the differences between him and Steve but observes what they have in common and this makes them friends. Let us start off by watching this clip:


Reflective Thought

Steve and Cole are good examples of a great friendship. They overlook their differences and enjoy their time together. We are all a little different from each other and that is awesome – that is what creates the fruitful experiences we have in our classrooms, streets and communities. Although we are different in many ways, we also have many similarities which can unite us.


Dear God, thank you for making us different. Help us to use these differences to unite us and not divide us. Amen.


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


We should not regard our differences as something that divides us but rather as a source of unity. We are different in many ways but we are also similar in others. Let’s watch this clip:


Reflective Thought

Both teens had something different – while one was wheelchair-bound the other was deaf, however, they still managed to find ways to communicate and build a friendship. We should not be immature and use our differences to attack or exclude one another but we should rather overlook these differences and see what makes us similar, what unites and makes us one. It should not be us and them, but we, we who are united in diversity.


Dear God, thank you for making us all different, help us to use these differences to unite and not divide us. Amen.

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